[melbourne-pug] July Meeting tomorrow Monday 1st, 6pm Inspire 9, 41 Stewart Street Richmond

Graeme Cross gcross at fastmail.fm
Wed Jul 3 15:38:35 CEST 2013

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013, at 05:01 PM, DoanVietTrungAtGmail wrote:

I couldn't attend, but is there a slidepack or something from the
talks, esp the Big data one?


Hi Trung,

The main talks were previews of PyCon AU talks, so it would probably be
worth asking the speakers _after_ PyCon AU.

Most PyCon AU presenters do make their slides available online and the
presentations are also put up online; eg. videos of most of last year's
talks can be found at
[1]http://pyvideo.org/category/30/pycon-au-2012 [1]

If it helps, I've posted my notes from Monday night's meeting here:


[1] I say "most" as talks in one of the rooms weren't recorded.


1. http://pyvideo.org/category/30/pycon-au-2012
2. http://www.curiousvenn.com/?p=389
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