[META-SIG] whence db-sig?
Ken Manheimer
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 10:01:17 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Michael McLay wrote:
> I think there's value in keeping even the sleepy SIGS around. They
> provide a signal to potential Python users that someone has had the
> idea that Python might work in a particular domain. For instance, the
> [...]
> I propose we have three catagories in the SIG page. (The less active
> SIGS could be on a separate web page if the clutter is really that
> objectionable.)
I don't see the benefit of making an additional, and fuzzy, distinction
as being worth the extra work! I don't like this idea, and would like
to keep the discussion concentrated on the issue of active vs retired,
if possible!
> Let's not through anything away just because it is untouched for an
> extended period. Historians hate it when that happens. If you want
> to move it off to an obscure web page that's fine, but don't throw it
> in the trash.
I agree. I would strongly advocate keeping around the old sigs (for the
email archive and other artifacts), and consider the current issue to
concern whether the mailing list distribution for a retired sig stays
active, (and/) or an auto-response goes to posters telling them that the
sig is no longer active. I'll explore this in response to greg's recent
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