[meta-sig] Retired SIGS, SIG ownership

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@digicool.com
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 12:35:18 -0400 (EDT)

No problem closing down the compiler-sig as it hasn't been active,
except two general questions come to mind:

1) Why do we have to shutdown the compiler-sig list, which many people
   are subscribed to and which has periodic traffic?  The general
   trend these days has been to take specialized discussions off
   python-dev and move them to mailing lists.  If the compiler-sig
   goes away, the rare traffic on it will probably move back to
   python-dev -- or we'll have to make a new mailing list somewhere
   else for the same purpose.  (In which cases there's a lot of wasted
   effort to move the list from python.org to somewhere else.)

2) What's the point of having sigs?  In the absence of a maintainable
   Python Web site, I can't tell the difference between a SIG and a
   mailing list.  We seem to create mailing lists without any meta-sig
   process, e.g. iterators, sets, crypto.  Does the existence of SIGs
   make a difference to anyone?
