[Microbit-Python] Microbit Python Doc translation

Miklós András Danka danka.miklos at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 06:26:54 EDT 2016


I'm Miklos Danka, a software engineer and a teacher (here's an example
<http://blog.miklosdanka.com/tech-camp-beta-the-first-session>). I'm
writing regarding the BBC Microbit Python edition - please let me know if
this is not the right place or contact for it.

First of all: *it's really awesome.* Incredible job, especially around the
documentation, which even less experienced kids understood well. Very very

Since I teach kids in Hungary, I wanted to translate the documentation
<https://microbit-micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> to Hungarian. My
question is: *do you have a recommended/preferred way of publishing the
translation?* I can always just fork the repository - but that would miss
out on the benefits of having the documentations tracked together at the
same website.
Would you recommend it as a Sphinx "version" (next to "latest" and
"stable")? Or does Sphinx provide and orthogonal translation feature?

Any ideas/suggestions would be very welcome and appreciated.

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