[Microbit-Python] Lock-up due to some combination of radio and

Yaroslav Kulyk (ykulyk) ykulyk at cisco.com
Fri Mar 17 13:42:24 EDT 2017

Hi Nicholas, Damien, David,

After applying the fix I am still having the same (Lock-up due to some combination of radio and pwm) problem...
I tried to use the fix provided by Nicholas:
and compiled my code with patched Microbit-Python in PythonEditor-master:
following steps in:
Unfortunately the "fix" did not work for me. If I use any PWM pin0.write_analog() together with radio.receive() commands, after some random time the micro:bit crashes (unresponsive). Usually reset button works to restart operation.
I don't think my issue is anyhow relevant to power supply (I use reliable power sources); and I don't have any pins outputting PWM connected to any external devices...
Please let me know if you need my *.py test scripts and hex files for diagnosing the issue.

Also is it possible to see Nicholas's fix in the source code for Microbit-Python?


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