[Moin-devel] CVS: MoinMoin/action LikePages.py,1.15,1.16

J?rgen Hermann jhermann at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jun 20 15:37:04 EDT 2002

Update of /cvsroot/moin/MoinMoin/action
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv8499/MoinMoin/action

Modified Files:
Log Message:
LikePages shows similar pages (using difflib.get_close_matches);
Page creation shows LikePages that already exist

Index: LikePages.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/moin/MoinMoin/action/LikePages.py,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -r1.15 -r1.16
*** LikePages.py	20 Jun 2002 21:16:54 -0000	1.15
--- LikePages.py	20 Jun 2002 22:36:55 -0000	1.16
*** 13,17 ****
! import re
  from MoinMoin import config, user, util, wikiutil, webapi
  from MoinMoin.Page import Page
--- 13,17 ----
! import re, cgi
  from MoinMoin import config, user, util, wikiutil, webapi
  from MoinMoin.Page import Page
*** 52,79 ****
          s_re=re.compile('([%s][%s]+)' % (config.upperletters, config.lowerletters)),
          e_re=re.compile('([%s][%s]+)$' % (config.upperletters, config.lowerletters))):
      # figure the start and end words
      s_match = s_re.match(pagename)
      e_match = e_re.search(pagename)
!     if not (s_match and e_match):
          return None, None, _('<b>You cannot use LikePages on an extended pagename!</b>')
!     # extract the words
!     start = s_match.group(1)
!     end = e_match.group(1)
!     subpage = pagename + '/'
!     # find any matching pages
      matches = {}
!     for anypage in wikiutil.getPageList(config.text_dir):
!         # skip current page
!         if anypage == pagename:
!             continue
!         if anypage.startswith(subpage):
!             matches[anypage] = 4
!         else:
!             if anypage.startswith(start):
!                 matches[anypage] = 1
!             if anypage.endswith(end):
!                 matches[anypage] = matches.get(anypage, 0) + 2
      return start, end, matches
--- 52,99 ----
          s_re=re.compile('([%s][%s]+)' % (config.upperletters, config.lowerletters)),
          e_re=re.compile('([%s][%s]+)$' % (config.upperletters, config.lowerletters))):
+     from MoinMoin.support import difflib
+     # get page lists
+     pagelist = wikiutil.getPageList(config.text_dir)
+     lowerpages = [p.lower() for p in pagelist]
+     similar = difflib.get_close_matches(pagename.lower(), lowerpages, 10) 
      # figure the start and end words
      s_match = s_re.match(pagename)
      e_match = e_re.search(pagename)
!     if not (s_match and e_match or similar):
          return None, None, _('<b>You cannot use LikePages on an extended pagename!</b>')
!     start = None
!     end = None
      matches = {}
!     if s_match and e_match:
!         # extract the words
!         start = s_match.group(1)
!         end = e_match.group(1)
!         subpage = pagename + '/'
!         # find any matching pages
!         for anypage in pagelist:
!             # skip current page
!             if anypage == pagename:
!                 continue
!             if anypage.startswith(subpage):
!                 matches[anypage] = 4
!             else:
!                 if anypage.startswith(start):
!                     matches[anypage] = 1
!                 if anypage.endswith(end):
!                     matches[anypage] = matches.get(anypage, 0) + 2
!     if similar:
!         pagemap = {}
!         for anypage in pagelist:
!             pagemap[anypage.lower()] = anypage
!         for anypage in similar:
!             if anypage == pagename:
!                 continue
!             matches[pagemap[anypage]] = 8
      return start, end, matches
*** 83,86 ****
--- 103,107 ----
      keys = matches.keys()
+     _showMatchGroup(matches, keys, 8, pagename)
      _showMatchGroup(matches, keys, 4, "%s/..." % pagename)
      _showMatchGroup(matches, keys, 3, "%s...%s" % (start, end))
*** 96,100 ****
              'matchcount': matchcount,
              'matches': (_(' match'), _(' matches'))[matchcount != 1],
!             'title': title} + '</b>'
          print "<ul>"
          for key in keys:
--- 117,121 ----
              'matchcount': matchcount,
              'matches': (_(' match'), _(' matches'))[matchcount != 1],
!             'title': cgi.escape(title)} + '</b>'
          print "<ul>"
          for key in keys:

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