[Moin-devel] Re: [Moin-user] 0.11 and IIS

Juergen Hermann jh at web.de
Thu Mar 7 03:08:05 EST 2002

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002 23:24:17 -0800, Brian Dorsey wrote:

>On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 06:45:24PM -0500, Charles Medcoff wrote:
>> Thus far I've only had time to read the IIS section of the document, but
>> upgrading does not appear to be addressed.
>It isn't yet in the IIS section... I think there is some general info on the 

There is, but nothing targeted at the pre-0.11 => 0.11 step. The immediate 
goal was to replace the old docs to fit the new setup.py scheme. Updating 
applies equally to all scenarios, I'll provide something. 

>> One other thing.  While this installation works I'm personally not crazy
>> about the dir layout.  I don't like the idea of mixing the wiki pages data
>> inside the moin package folder.  I can't give you any specific reasons at
>> the moment but it doesn't feel right; perhaps user data should be outside 
>> the python path.  I wonder if there are issues here in the case of an
>> upgrade.  I also am not crazy about the idea of having to require two
>> virtual directories for one web app.  I know that this is required thought
>> due to the way the paths are used within the moinmoin code.
>I copied the Apache install docs in this regard... it's not actually how I 
have my own wikis setup... I think the idea is that this makes it easy to add 
multiple wikis on the same server and they can all share the same /wiki data. 

There are no practical problems with this since no directories beyond those 
that get currently created will ever be added by setup.py (there is no 
conflict). The idea was to keep things as simple and cohesive as possible, and 
let people that want to deviate do it on their own risk. E.g. it's of course 
no problem at all to place instances ANYWHERE, but I absolutely want to keep 
the docs option-free, so as not to confuze beginners. Experts can help 

BTW, it's one alias for the app, and one for the instance. Does IIS have an 
equivalent to Apache ScriptAlias? You do not need to alias the whole instance 
directory, in theory.

>I'll add a note about WinZip, just in case. ;)

I might create a windows installer, but those are, AFAIK, no very customizable 
(else I could create an instance automatically).

Super-easy setup for a personal wiki and non-power users have to wait till the 
stand-alone server runs in an acceptable way.

Ciao, Jürgen

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