[Moin-devel] CVS: dist/wiki/data/text HelpMiscellaneous,1.3,1.4 HelpOnSkins,1.3,1.4

J?rgen Hermann jhermann at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Mar 11 14:15:02 EST 2002

Update of /cvsroot/moin/dist/wiki/data/text
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv13274

Modified Files:
	HelpMiscellaneous HelpOnSkins 
Log Message:
Final touches

Index: HelpMiscellaneous
RCS file: /cvsroot/moin/dist/wiki/data/text/HelpMiscellaneous,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** HelpMiscellaneous	6 Mar 2002 22:38:40 -0000	1.3
--- HelpMiscellaneous	11 Mar 2002 22:14:07 -0000	1.4
*** 17,26 ****
  ==== Remapping URLs ====
! The configuration variable "`url_mappings`" can be used ... lookup table to remap URL prefixes (dict of {{{'prefix': 'replacement'}}}); especially useful in intranets, when whole trees of externally hosted documents move around
  === TODO ===
! <!> TODO: explain the following things in detail
  Needing more explanation:
--- 17,27 ----
  ==== Remapping URLs ====
! The configuration variable "`url_mappings`" can be used to remap absolute URLs to relative ones, or change certain URL prefixes to totally different ones. This is especially useful in intranets, when whole trees of documents hosted outside of the wiki move around.
+ "`url_mappings`" is a lookup table in the form of a dict, the key is the prefix to be replaced, the value is the replacement. A typical example is `url_mappings = {'http://my.server.net/': '/'}`, which removes the scheme from local URLs, and thus makes links to your own server work for both `http` ''and'' `https`.
  === TODO ===
! <!> TODO: explain the following things in detail, and add more detail to the above sections
  Needing more explanation:
*** 36,40 ****
   * "RSS" icon displayed by RecentChanges macro
   * commentary field of editor, recent changes and page info
!  * Page caching, for now limited to XSLT processing (where it's absolutely needed); new code & API to add the "RefreshCache" link
   * inline search fields (at the bottom of each page)
   * the interwiki name "Self" now always points to the own wiki
--- 37,41 ----
   * "RSS" icon displayed by RecentChanges macro
   * commentary field of editor, recent changes and page info
!  * Page caching, for now limited to XSLT processing (where it's absolutely needed); new code & API to add the "Refresh``Cache" link
   * inline search fields (at the bottom of each page)
   * the interwiki name "Self" now always points to the own wiki
*** 43,47 ****
  Admin stuff:
   * Diagnosis of installation via a "test.cgi" script
!  * WikiFarm support:
     * <datadir>/plugin/macro and <datadir>/plugin/action can be used to store macros and actions local to a specific wiki instance
     * config.shared_intermap can contain a pathname to a shared "intermap.txt" file (i.e. one stored outside the datadir)
--- 44,48 ----
  Admin stuff:
   * Diagnosis of installation via a "test.cgi" script
!  * Wiki``Farm support:
     * <datadir>/plugin/macro and <datadir>/plugin/action can be used to store macros and actions local to a specific wiki instance
     * config.shared_intermap can contain a pathname to a shared "intermap.txt" file (i.e. one stored outside the datadir)

Index: HelpOnSkins
RCS file: /cvsroot/moin/dist/wiki/data/text/HelpOnSkins,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** HelpOnSkins	6 Mar 2002 22:38:40 -0000	1.3
--- HelpOnSkins	11 Mar 2002 22:14:07 -0000	1.4
*** 1,18 ****
- <!> TODO
  == Changing the page layout ==
  While MoinMoin currently has no full support for HTML templates, and switching between several layouts, you can change the most important parts of the generated HTML code, and add your own HTML fragments.
!  * configurable footer ("page_footer1" and "page_footer2") 
!  * config.title1 and config.title2 are inserted into the output right before and after the system title html code (title1 is right after the <body> tag and normally undefined, title2 defaults to the "<hr>" above the page contents)
!  * navi_bar
! || html_head || ''META-Tag with Content-Type'' || Additional <HEAD> tags for all pages (see HelpOnSkins) ||
! || html_head_queries || ''META-Tag with "NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" for robots'' || Additional <HEAD> tags for edit and action pages (`html_head` is sent, too; see HelpOnSkins) ||
! || title1 || None || HTML fragment before title area (see HelpOnSkins) ||
! || title2 || '<hr>' || HTML fragment after title area (see HelpOnSkins) ||
  See http://openlook.org/ for a very nice example.
--- 1,11 ----
  == Changing the page layout ==
  While MoinMoin currently has no full support for HTML templates, and switching between several layouts, you can change the most important parts of the generated HTML code, and add your own HTML fragments.
! "`title1`" and "`title2`" are inserted into the output right before and after the system's title html code (`title1` is right after the <body> tag and normally undefined, `title2` defaults to the "`<hr>`" above the page contents). "`navi_bar`" is a list of page names[[FootNote(In versions prior to 0.11, navi_bar was a piece of HTML code.)]] that are added to the title area as quick links into the wiki; if it is `None`, no navigation bar is added.
+ Similarly, the footer area can be changed by setting "`page_footer1`" and "`page_footer2`".
+ "`html_head`" is added into the <head> element for ''all'' pages, while "`html_head_queries`" is sent only for edit and action pages (`html_head` is sent for those, too).
  See http://openlook.org/ for a very nice example.

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