[Moin-devel] CVS: MoinMoin PageEditor.py,NONE,1.1 Page.py,1.110,1.111 wikiaction.py,1.61,1.62
J?rgen Hermann
jhermann at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Mar 27 13:48:15 EST 2002
Update of /cvsroot/moin/MoinMoin
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv1820/MoinMoin
Modified Files:
Page.py wikiaction.py
Added Files:
Log Message:
Refactoring: Split Page into Page and PageEditor
--- NEW FILE: PageEditor.py ---
MoinMoin - PageEditor class
Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Jürgen Hermann <jh at web.de>
All rights reserved, see COPYING for details.
$Id: PageEditor.py,v 1.1 2002/03/27 21:46:50 jhermann Exp $
# Imports
import cStringIO, os, re, sys, string, time, urllib
from MoinMoin import caching, config, eventlog, user, util, wikiutil, webapi
from MoinMoin.cgimain import request
from MoinMoin.Page import Page
from MoinMoin.i18n import _
### PageEditor - Edit pages
class PageEditor(Page):
""" Editor for a wiki page """
def __init__(self, page_name, **keywords):
""" Create page editor object.
apply(Page.__init__, (self, page_name), keywords)
def set_raw_body(self, body):
"""Set the raw body text (prevents loading from disk)"""
self.raw_body = body
def send_editor(self, form, **kw):
""" Send the editor form page.
preview - if true, show preview
comment - comment field (when preview is true)
from cgi import escape
from MoinMoin.action import SpellCheck
except ImportError:
SpellCheck = None
# check edit permissions
if not user.current.may.edit:
msg=_("""<b>You are not allowed to edit any pages.</b>"""))
if self.prev_date:
print '<b>Cannot edit old revisions</b>'
# check for preview submit
title = _('Edit "%(pagename)s"')
preview = kw.get('preview', 0)
if preview:
title = _('Preview of "%(pagename)s"')
newtext = form['savetext'].value
except KeyError:
newtext = ""
newtext = string.replace(newtext, "\r", "")
# send header stuff
title % {'pagename': self.split_title(),},
template_param = ''
if form.has_key('template'):
template_param = '&template=' + form['template'].value
print '<a href="%s?action=edit&rows=10&cols=60%s">%s</a>' % (
wikiutil.quoteWikiname(self.page_name), template_param,
_('Reduce editor size'))
print "|", wikiutil.getSysPage('HelpOnFormatting').link_to()
if preview:
print '| <a href="#preview">%s</a>' % _('Skip to preview')
# send form
text_rows = int(form['rows'].value)
except StandardError:
text_rows = config.edit_rows
if user.current.valid: text_rows = int(user.current.edit_rows)
text_cols = int(form['cols'].value)
except StandardError:
text_cols = 80
if user.current.valid: text_cols = int(user.current.edit_cols)
print '<form method="post" action="%s/%s%s">' % (
print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="savepage">'
if os.path.isfile(self._text_filename()):
mtime = os.path.getmtime(self._text_filename())
mtime = 0
print '<input type="hidden" name="datestamp" value="%d">' % (mtime,)
# get the text body for the editor field
if form.has_key('template'):
# "template" parameter contains the name of the template page
template_page = wikiutil.unquoteWikiname(form['template'].value)
raw_body = Page(template_page).get_raw_body()
if raw_body:
print _("[Content of new page loaded from %s]") % (template_page,)
print _("[Template %s not found]") % (template_page,)
raw_body = self.get_raw_body()
# generate default content
if not raw_body:
raw_body = _('Describe %s here.') % (self.page_name,)
# replace CRLF with LF
raw_body = string.replace(raw_body, '\r\n', '\n')
# print the editor textarea and the save button
print ('<textarea wrap="virtual" name="savetext" rows="%d" cols="%d" style="width:100%%">%s</textarea>'
% (text_rows, text_cols, escape(raw_body)))
notify = ''
if config.mail_smarthost:
notify = '''<input type="checkbox" name="notify" value="1"%s>
<font face="Verdana" size="-1">%s</font><br>''' % (
('', ' checked')[not preview or (form.getvalue('notify') == '1')],
_('Send mail notification'),
if preview: print '<a name="preview">'
print "<br>", _("Optional comment about this change") + \
'<br><input type="text" name="comment" value="%s" size="%d" maxlength="60" style="width:100%%">' % (
escape(kw.get('comment', ''), 1), text_cols,)
button_spellcheck = (SpellCheck and
'<input type="submit" name="button_spellcheck" value="%s"> '
% _('Check Spelling')) or ''
print '''
<div style="margin-top:6pt;margin-bottom:6pt;">
<input type="submit" name="button_save" value="%s">
<input type="submit" name="button_preview" value="%s"> %s
<input type="submit" name="button_cancel" value="%s">
</div>''' % (_('Save Changes'), _('Preview'), button_spellcheck, _('Cancel'),)
print '''%s
<input type="checkbox" name="rstrip" value="1"%s>
<font face="Verdana" size="-1">%s</font>
''' % ( notify,
('', ' checked')[preview and (form.getvalue('rstrip') == '1')],
_('Remove trailing whitespace from each line')
badwords_re = None
if preview:
if SpellCheck and (
form.has_key('button_spellcheck') or
badwords, badwords_re, msg = SpellCheck.checkSpelling(self, form, own_form=0)
print "<p>", msg
print '</a>'
print "</form>"
if preview:
print ('<hr size="1">'
'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#F4F4F4"'
' style="background-image:url(%s/img/draft.png); background-color:#F4F4F4;">'
'<tr><td>') % (config.url_prefix,)
self.send_page(form, content_only=1, hilite_re=badwords_re)
print '</td></tr></table>'
# QuickHelp originally by Georg Mischler <schorsch at lightingwiki.com>
print _("""<hr>
<font face="Verdana" size="-1">
<b>Emphasis:</b> ''<i>italics</i>''; '''<b>bold</b>'''; '''''<b><i>bold italics</i></b>''''';
''<i>mixed '''<b>bold</b>''' and italics</i>''; ---- horizontal rule.<br>
<b>Headings:</b> = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===;
==== Title 4 ====; ===== Title 5 =====.<br>
<b>Lists:</b> space and one of * bullets; 1., a., A., i., I. numbered items;
1.#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.<br>
<b>Links:</b> JoinCapitalizedWords; ["brackets and double quotes"];
url; [url]; [url label].<br>
<b>Tables</b>: || cell text |||| cell text spanning two columns ||;
no trailing white space allowed after tables or titles.<br>
def deletePage(self):
"""Delete the page (but keep the backups)"""
# First save a final backup copy of the current page
# (recreating the page allows access to the backups again)
self.save_text("deleted", '0')
# Then really delete it
except OSError, er:
import errno
if er.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise er
# delete pagelinks
arena = "pagelinks"
key = wikiutil.quoteFilename(self.page_name)
cache = caching.CacheEntry(arena, key)
def notifySubscribers(self, comment):
""" Send email to all subscribers of this page.
Return message, indicating success or errors.
# extract categories of this page
pageList = self.getPageLinks()
CATEGORY_RE = re.compile("^Category")
pageList = filter(CATEGORY_RE.match, pageList)
# add current page name for list matching
# get email addresses of the all wiki user which have a profile stored;
# add the address only if the user has subscribed to the page and
# the user is not the current editor
userlist = user.getUserList()
emails = []
for uid in userlist:
if uid == user.current.id: continue # no self notification
subscriber = user.User(uid)
if not subscriber.email: continue # skip empty email address
if subscriber.isSubscribedTo(pageList):
if emails:
# send email to all subscribers; note that text must be in
# English for all users, since currently we cannot (easily)
# send the text in the recipient's language.
# !!! TODO: make this possible
mailBody = ("Dear Wiki user,\n\n"
'You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "%(sitename)s" for change notification.\n\n'
"The following page has been changed by %(editor)s:\n"
"%(pagelink)s\n\n") % {
'editor': user.current.name or os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', "<unknown>"),
'pagelink': webapi.getQualifiedURL(self.url()),
'sitename': config.sitename or webapi.getBaseURL(),
if comment:
mailBody = mailBody + \
"The comment on the change is:\n%s\n\n" % comment
# get a list of old revisions, and append a diff
oldversions = wikiutil.getBackupList(config.backup_dir, self.page_name)
if not oldversions:
mailBody = mailBody + \
"No older revisions of the page stored, diff not available."
page_file, backup_file, lines = wikiutil.pagediff(self.page_name, oldversions[0])
if lines and len(lines) > 2:
mailBody = "%s%s\n%s" % (
mailBody, ("-" * 78), string.join(lines[2:], ''))
mailBody = mailBody + "No differences found!\n"
msg = _('\n'
'Sent a mail notification to these addresses: %s\n'
'<br>Result was: ') % string.join(emails, ", ")
msg = msg + util.sendmail(emails,
'[%(sitename)s] Update of "%(pagename)s"' % {
'sitename': config.sitename or "Wiki",
'pagename': self.page_name,
mailBody, mail_from=user.current.email)
return msg
return _('Nobody subscribed to this page, no mail sent.')
def _user_variable(self):
"""If user has a profile return the user name from the profile
else return the remote address or "anonymous"
If the user name contains spaces it is wiki quoted to allow
links to the wiki user homepage (if one exists).
username = user.current.name
if username and config.allow_extended_names and \
string.count(username, ' ') and Page(username).exists():
username = '["%s"]' % username
return username or os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', 'anonymous')
def _expand_variables(self, text):
"""Expand @VARIABLE@ in `text`and return the expanded text."""
#!!! TODO: Allow addition of variables via moin_config (and/or a text file)
now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
system_vars = {
'TIME': lambda t=now: "[[DateTime(%s)]]" % t,
'DATE': lambda t=now: "[[Date(%s)]]" % t,
'USERNAME': lambda s=self: s._user_variable(),
'USER': lambda s=self: "-- %s" % (s._user_variable(),),
'SIG': lambda s=self, t=now: "-- %s [[DateTime(%s)]]"
% (s._user_variable(), t,),
if user.current.valid and user.current.name and user.current.email:
system_vars['MAILTO'] = lambda u=user.current: \
"[mailto:%s %s]" % (u.email, u.name)
#!!! TODO: Use a more stream-lined re.sub algorithm
for name, val in system_vars.items():
text = string.replace(text, '@' + name + '@', val())
return text
def _write_file(self, text):
is_deprecated = string.lower(text[:11]) == "#deprecated"
# save to tmpfile
tmp_filename = self._tmp_filename()
tmp_file = open(tmp_filename, 'wb')
page_filename = self._text_filename()
if not os.path.isdir(config.backup_dir):
os.mkdir(config.backup_dir, 0777 & config.umask)
if os.path.isfile(page_filename) \
and not is_deprecated:
os.rename(page_filename, os.path.join(config.backup_dir,
wikiutil.quoteFilename(self.page_name) + '.' + str(os.path.getmtime(page_filename))))
if os.name == 'nt':
# Bad Bill! POSIX rename ought to replace. :-(
except OSError, er:
import errno
if er.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise er
# set in-memory content
# replace old page by tmpfile
os.chmod(tmp_filename, 0666 & config.umask)
os.rename(tmp_filename, page_filename)
return os.path.getmtime(page_filename)
def save_text(self, newtext, datestamp, **kw):
""" Save new text for a page.
Keyword parameters:
stripspaces - strip whitespace from line ends (default: 0)
notify - send email notice tp subscribers (default: 0)
comment - comment field (when preview is true)
msg = ""
if not user.current.may.edit:
msg = _("""<b>You are not allowed to edit any pages.</b>""")
if not newtext:
msg = _("""<b>You cannot save empty pages.</b>""")
elif datestamp == '0':
elif datestamp != str(os.path.getmtime(self._text_filename())):
msg = _("""<b>Sorry, someone else saved the page while you edited it.
<p>Please do the following: Use the back button of your browser, and cut&paste
your changes from there. Then go forward to here, and click EditText again.
Now re-add your changes to the current page contents.
<p><em>Do not just replace
the content editbox with your version of the page, because that would
delete the changes of the other person, which is excessively rude!</em></b>
# save only if no error occured (msg is empty)
if not msg:
# set success msg
msg = _("""<b>Thank you for your changes.
Your attention to detail is appreciated.</b>""")
# remove CRs (so Win32 and Unix users save the same text)
newtext = string.replace(newtext, "\r", "")
# possibly strip trailing spaces
if kw.get('stripspaces', 0):
newtext = string.join(map(string.rstrip, string.split(newtext, '\n')), '\n')
# add final newline if not present in textarea, better for diffs
# (does not include former last line when just adding text to
# bottom; idea by CliffordAdams)
if newtext and newtext[-1] != '\n':
newtext = newtext + '\n'
# expand variables, unless it's a template or form page
if not (wikiutil.isTemplatePage(self.page_name) or
newtext = self._expand_variables(newtext)
# write the page file
mtime = self._write_file(newtext)
# write the editlog entry
from MoinMoin import editlog
log = editlog.makeLogStore()
remote_name = os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
log.addEntry(self.page_name, remote_name, mtime, kw.get('comment', ''))
# add event log entry
eventlog.logger.add('SAVEPAGE', {'pagename': self.page_name})
# send notification mails
if config.mail_smarthost and kw.get('notify', 0):
msg = msg + "<p>" + self.notifySubscribers(kw.get('comment', ''))
return msg
Index: Page.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py,v
retrieving revision 1.110
retrieving revision 1.111
diff -C2 -r1.110 -r1.111
*** Page.py 20 Mar 2002 23:04:17 -0000 1.110
--- Page.py 27 Mar 2002 21:46:50 -0000 1.111
*** 19,23 ****
class Page:
! """ A wiki page """
_SPLIT_RE = re.compile('([%s])([%s])' % (config.lowerletters, config.upperletters))
--- 19,26 ----
class Page:
! """ An immutable wiki page.
! To change a page's content, use the PageEditor class.
! """
_SPLIT_RE = re.compile('([%s])([%s])' % (config.lowerletters, config.upperletters))
*** 126,134 ****
- def set_raw_body(self, body):
- """Set the raw body text (prevents loading from disk)"""
- self.raw_body = body
def get_raw_body(self):
"""Load the raw markup from the page file"""
--- 129,132 ----
*** 441,840 ****
return filter(None, string.split(cache.content(), '\n'))
- def send_editor(self, form, **kw):
- """ Send the editor form page.
- Keywords:
- preview - if true, show preview
- comment - comment field (when preview is true)
- """
- from cgi import escape
- try:
- from MoinMoin.action import SpellCheck
- except ImportError:
- SpellCheck = None
- # check edit permissions
- if not user.current.may.edit:
- self.send_page(form,
- msg=_("""<b>You are not allowed to edit any pages.</b>"""))
- return
- webapi.http_headers(webapi.nocache)
- if self.prev_date:
- print '<b>Cannot edit old revisions</b>'
- return
- # check for preview submit
- title = _('Edit "%(pagename)s"')
- preview = kw.get('preview', 0)
- if preview:
- title = _('Preview of "%(pagename)s"')
- try:
- newtext = form['savetext'].value
- except KeyError:
- newtext = ""
- newtext = string.replace(newtext, "\r", "")
- self.set_raw_body(newtext)
- # send header stuff
- wikiutil.send_title(
- title % {'pagename': self.split_title(),},
- pagename=self.page_name)
- template_param = ''
- if form.has_key('template'):
- template_param = '&template=' + form['template'].value
- print '<a href="%s?action=edit&rows=10&cols=60%s">%s</a>' % (
- wikiutil.quoteWikiname(self.page_name), template_param,
- _('Reduce editor size'))
- print "|", wikiutil.getSysPage('HelpOnFormatting').link_to()
- if preview:
- print '| <a href="#preview">%s</a>' % _('Skip to preview')
- # send form
- try:
- text_rows = int(form['rows'].value)
- except StandardError:
- text_rows = config.edit_rows
- if user.current.valid: text_rows = int(user.current.edit_rows)
- try:
- text_cols = int(form['cols'].value)
- except StandardError:
- text_cols = 80
- if user.current.valid: text_cols = int(user.current.edit_cols)
- print '<form method="post" action="%s/%s%s">' % (
- webapi.getScriptname(),
- wikiutil.quoteWikiname(self.page_name),
- '#preview',
- )
- print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="savepage">'
- if os.path.isfile(self._text_filename()):
- mtime = os.path.getmtime(self._text_filename())
- else:
- mtime = 0
- print '<input type="hidden" name="datestamp" value="%d">' % (mtime,)
- # get the text body for the editor field
- if form.has_key('template'):
- # "template" parameter contains the name of the template page
- template_page = wikiutil.unquoteWikiname(form['template'].value)
- raw_body = Page(template_page).get_raw_body()
- if raw_body:
- print _("[Content of new page loaded from %s]") % (template_page,)
- else:
- print _("[Template %s not found]") % (template_page,)
- else:
- raw_body = self.get_raw_body()
- # generate default content
- if not raw_body:
- raw_body = _('Describe %s here.') % (self.page_name,)
- # replace CRLF with LF
- raw_body = string.replace(raw_body, '\r\n', '\n')
- # print the editor textarea and the save button
- print ('<textarea wrap="virtual" name="savetext" rows="%d" cols="%d" style="width:100%%">%s</textarea>'
- % (text_rows, text_cols, escape(raw_body)))
- notify = ''
- if config.mail_smarthost:
- notify = '''<input type="checkbox" name="notify" value="1"%s>
- <font face="Verdana" size="-1">%s</font><br>''' % (
- ('', ' checked')[not preview or (form.getvalue('notify') == '1')],
- _('Send mail notification'),
- )
- if preview: print '<a name="preview">'
- print "<br>", _("Optional comment about this change") + \
- '<br><input type="text" name="comment" value="%s" size="%d" maxlength="60" style="width:100%%">' % (
- escape(kw.get('comment', ''), 1), text_cols,)
- button_spellcheck = (SpellCheck and
- '<input type="submit" name="button_spellcheck" value="%s"> '
- % _('Check Spelling')) or ''
- print '''
- <div style="margin-top:6pt;margin-bottom:6pt;">
- <input type="submit" name="button_save" value="%s">
- <input type="submit" name="button_preview" value="%s"> %s
- <input type="submit" name="button_cancel" value="%s">
- </div>''' % (_('Save Changes'), _('Preview'), button_spellcheck, _('Cancel'),)
- print '''%s
- <input type="checkbox" name="rstrip" value="1"%s>
- <font face="Verdana" size="-1">%s</font>
- ''' % ( notify,
- ('', ' checked')[preview and (form.getvalue('rstrip') == '1')],
- _('Remove trailing whitespace from each line')
- )
- badwords_re = None
- if preview:
- if SpellCheck and (
- form.has_key('button_spellcheck') or
- form.has_key('button_newwords')):
- badwords, badwords_re, msg = SpellCheck.checkSpelling(self, form, own_form=0)
- print "<p>", msg
- print '</a>'
- print "</form>"
- if preview:
- print ('<hr size="1">'
- '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#F4F4F4"'
- ' style="background-image:url(%s/img/draft.png); background-color:#F4F4F4;">'
- '<tr><td>') % (config.url_prefix,)
- self.send_page(form, content_only=1, hilite_re=badwords_re)
- print '</td></tr></table>'
- # QuickHelp originally by Georg Mischler <schorsch at lightingwiki.com>
- print _("""<hr>
- <font face="Verdana" size="-1">
- <b>Emphasis:</b> ''<i>italics</i>''; '''<b>bold</b>'''; '''''<b><i>bold italics</i></b>''''';
- ''<i>mixed '''<b>bold</b>''' and italics</i>''; ---- horizontal rule.<br>
- <b>Headings:</b> = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===;
- ==== Title 4 ====; ===== Title 5 =====.<br>
- <b>Lists:</b> space and one of * bullets; 1., a., A., i., I. numbered items;
- 1.#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.<br>
- <b>Links:</b> JoinCapitalizedWords; ["brackets and double quotes"];
- url; [url]; [url label].<br>
- <b>Tables</b>: || cell text |||| cell text spanning two columns ||;
- no trailing white space allowed after tables or titles.<br>
- </font>
- <hr>
- """)
- def delete(self):
- """Delete the page (but keep the backups)"""
- # First save a final backup copy of the current page
- # (recreating the page allows access to the backups again)
- self.save_text("deleted", '0')
- # Then really delete it
- try:
- os.remove(self._text_filename())
- except OSError, er:
- import errno
- if er.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise er
- # delete pagelinks
- arena = "pagelinks"
- key = wikiutil.quoteFilename(self.page_name)
- cache = caching.CacheEntry(arena, key)
- cache.remove()
- def notifySubscribers(self, comment):
- """ Send email to all subscribers of this page.
- Return message, indicating success or errors.
- """
- # extract categories of this page
- pageList = self.getPageLinks()
- CATEGORY_RE = re.compile("^Category")
- pageList = filter(CATEGORY_RE.match, pageList)
- # add current page name for list matching
- pageList.append(self.page_name)
- # get email addresses of the all wiki user which have a profile stored;
- # add the address only if the user has subscribed to the page and
- # the user is not the current editor
- userlist = user.getUserList()
- emails = []
- for uid in userlist:
- if uid == user.current.id: continue # no self notification
- subscriber = user.User(uid)
- if not subscriber.email: continue # skip empty email address
- if subscriber.isSubscribedTo(pageList):
- emails.append(subscriber.email)
- if emails:
- # send email to all subscribers; note that text must be in
- # English for all users, since currently we cannot (easily)
- # send the text in the recipient's language.
- # !!! TODO: make this possible
- mailBody = ("Dear Wiki user,\n\n"
- 'You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "%(sitename)s" for change notification.\n\n'
- "The following page has been changed by %(editor)s:\n"
- "%(pagelink)s\n\n") % {
- 'editor': user.current.name or os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', "<unknown>"),
- 'pagelink': webapi.getQualifiedURL(self.url()),
- 'sitename': config.sitename or webapi.getBaseURL(),
- }
- if comment:
- mailBody = mailBody + \
- "The comment on the change is:\n%s\n\n" % comment
- # get a list of old revisions, and append a diff
- oldversions = wikiutil.getBackupList(config.backup_dir, self.page_name)
- if not oldversions:
- mailBody = mailBody + \
- "No older revisions of the page stored, diff not available."
- else:
- page_file, backup_file, lines = wikiutil.pagediff(self.page_name, oldversions[0])
- if lines and len(lines) > 2:
- mailBody = "%s%s\n%s" % (
- mailBody, ("-" * 78), string.join(lines[2:], ''))
- else:
- mailBody = mailBody + "No differences found!\n"
- msg = _('\n'
- 'Sent a mail notification to these addresses: %s\n'
- '<br>Result was: ') % string.join(emails, ", ")
- msg = msg + util.sendmail(emails,
- '[%(sitename)s] Update of "%(pagename)s"' % {
- 'sitename': config.sitename or "Wiki",
- 'pagename': self.page_name,
- },
- mailBody, mail_from=user.current.email)
- return msg
- return _('Nobody subscribed to this page, no mail sent.')
- def _user_variable(self):
- """If user has a profile return the user name from the profile
- else return the remote address or "anonymous"
- If the user name contains spaces it is wiki quoted to allow
- links to the wiki user homepage (if one exists).
- """
- username = user.current.name
- if username and config.allow_extended_names and \
- string.count(username, ' ') and Page(username).exists():
- username = '["%s"]' % username
- return username or os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', 'anonymous')
- def _expand_variables(self, text):
- """Expand @VARIABLE@ in `text`and return the expanded text."""
- #!!! TODO: Allow addition of variables via moin_config (and/or a text file)
- now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
- system_vars = {
- 'TIME': lambda t=now: "[[DateTime(%s)]]" % t,
- 'DATE': lambda t=now: "[[Date(%s)]]" % t,
- 'USERNAME': lambda s=self: s._user_variable(),
- 'USER': lambda s=self: "-- %s" % (s._user_variable(),),
- 'SIG': lambda s=self, t=now: "-- %s [[DateTime(%s)]]"
- % (s._user_variable(), t,),
- }
- if user.current.valid and user.current.name and user.current.email:
- system_vars['MAILTO'] = lambda u=user.current: \
- "[mailto:%s %s]" % (u.email, u.name)
- #!!! TODO: Use a more stream-lined re.sub algorithm
- for name, val in system_vars.items():
- text = string.replace(text, '@' + name + '@', val())
- return text
- def _write_file(self, text):
- is_deprecated = string.lower(text[:11]) == "#deprecated"
- # save to tmpfile
- tmp_filename = self._tmp_filename()
- tmp_file = open(tmp_filename, 'wb')
- tmp_file.write(text)
- tmp_file.close()
- page_filename = self._text_filename()
- if not os.path.isdir(config.backup_dir):
- os.mkdir(config.backup_dir, 0777 & config.umask)
- if os.path.isfile(page_filename) \
- and not is_deprecated:
- os.rename(page_filename, os.path.join(config.backup_dir,
- wikiutil.quoteFilename(self.page_name) + '.' + str(os.path.getmtime(page_filename))))
- else:
- if os.name == 'nt':
- # Bad Bill! POSIX rename ought to replace. :-(
- try:
- os.remove(page_filename)
- except OSError, er:
- import errno
- if er.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise er
- # set in-memory content
- self.set_raw_body(text)
- # replace old page by tmpfile
- os.chmod(tmp_filename, 0666 & config.umask)
- os.rename(tmp_filename, page_filename)
- return os.path.getmtime(page_filename)
- def save_text(self, newtext, datestamp, **kw):
- """ Save new text for a page.
- Keyword parameters:
- stripspaces - strip whitespace from line ends (default: 0)
- notify - send email notice tp subscribers (default: 0)
- comment - comment field (when preview is true)
- """
- msg = ""
- if not user.current.may.edit:
- msg = _("""<b>You are not allowed to edit any pages.</b>""")
- if not newtext:
- msg = _("""<b>You cannot save empty pages.</b>""")
- elif datestamp == '0':
- pass
- elif datestamp != str(os.path.getmtime(self._text_filename())):
- msg = _("""<b>Sorry, someone else saved the page while you edited it.
- <p>Please do the following: Use the back button of your browser, and cut&paste
- your changes from there. Then go forward to here, and click EditText again.
- Now re-add your changes to the current page contents.
- <p><em>Do not just replace
- the content editbox with your version of the page, because that would
- delete the changes of the other person, which is excessively rude!</em></b>
- """)
- # save only if no error occured (msg is empty)
- if not msg:
- # set success msg
- msg = _("""<b>Thank you for your changes.
- Your attention to detail is appreciated.</b>""")
- # remove CRs (so Win32 and Unix users save the same text)
- newtext = string.replace(newtext, "\r", "")
- # possibly strip trailing spaces
- if kw.get('stripspaces', 0):
- newtext = string.join(map(string.rstrip, string.split(newtext, '\n')), '\n')
- # add final newline if not present in textarea, better for diffs
- # (does not include former last line when just adding text to
- # bottom; idea by CliffordAdams)
- if newtext and newtext[-1] != '\n':
- newtext = newtext + '\n'
- # expand variables, unless it's a template or form page
- if not (wikiutil.isTemplatePage(self.page_name) or
- wikiutil.isFormPage(self.page_name)):
- newtext = self._expand_variables(newtext)
- # write the page file
- mtime = self._write_file(newtext)
- # write the editlog entry
- from MoinMoin import editlog
- log = editlog.makeLogStore()
- remote_name = os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
- log.addEntry(self.page_name, remote_name, mtime, kw.get('comment', ''))
- # add event log entry
- eventlog.logger.add('SAVEPAGE', {'pagename': self.page_name})
- # send notification mails
- if config.mail_smarthost and kw.get('notify', 0):
- msg = msg + "<p>" + self.notifySubscribers(kw.get('comment', ''))
- return msg
--- 439,442 ----
Index: wikiaction.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/moin/MoinMoin/wikiaction.py,v
retrieving revision 1.61
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -C2 -r1.61 -r1.62
*** wikiaction.py 20 Mar 2002 23:04:17 -0000 1.61
--- wikiaction.py 27 Mar 2002 21:46:50 -0000 1.62
*** 390,398 ****
def do_edit(pagename, form):
! Page(pagename).send_editor(form)
def do_savepage(pagename, form):
! pg = Page(pagename)
savetext = form['savetext'].value
--- 390,401 ----
def do_edit(pagename, form):
! from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
! PageEditor(pagename).send_editor(form)
def do_savepage(pagename, form):
! from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
! pg = PageEditor(pagename)
savetext = form['savetext'].value
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