[Moin-devel] How can I contribute a language package

nlany at uibe.edu.cn nlany at uibe.edu.cn
Tue Nov 12 00:07:02 EST 2002

Dear JH,

Here is the zh-cn.py file that based on the original zh.py file but 
encoded in utf-8 instead gb2312.
I have tested it on my site and with a "import zh-cn.py" python command.
I have modified util/i18n/__init__.py to include this locale file, I 
recommend to use 'zh-cn' or more verbose one 'zh-cn.utf8' as the key in 
'languages' dictionary.

And if you happen to know, how to make gdchart to use other fonts that 
is able to support non-western text as the chart titles or labels? ( I 
know it's a question should submit to gdchart developer, I am doing that.)


Juergen Hermann wrote:

>On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 11:11:22 +0800, nlany at uibe.edu.cn wrote:
>>hi, I downloaded CVS source, and want to add a UI translation in the
>>i18n package.
>>My question is, I want to add a zh ( Chinese ) module with its charset
>>is in utf-8, as you know, there is already a gb2312 encoded zh.py
>>module, how to do it?
>Send it to me (read
>tion section 1 before that).
>I'll see that I add something to make multiple charsets possible.
>Ciao, Jürgen

Yufeng Lan
Univ. of International Buz.&Eco.
O: 6449 2311

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