[Moin-devel] subwikis/subdirectories

Leslie A. Barnes leslie.barnes at amd.com
Thu Apr 17 11:54:11 EDT 2003

 Is there any thought/plan with MoinMoin on supporting sub-directories
 or sub-wikis?  One argument I'm having right now is over TWiki vs
 MoinMoin.  TWiki has a single level of indirection with "webs" or
 subwikis and is moving towards a fully hierarchical design.  Has
 there been discussion along these lines before, and what is the

 For example, instead of having "data/text", have "data/text/dir1",
 "data/text/dir2" etc.  The current subpage "/MySubPage" syntax could
 support this.  My main issue is over scaleability as the number of
 pages increases.  However, there would be a lot of side-benefits as
 far as directing searches to sub-directories only etc.  It would be a
 powerful organizational feature.


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