[Moin-devel] Macro that generates a dyamic png

Karolina Lindqvist pgd-karolinali at algonet.se
Mon Apr 28 01:53:06 EDT 2003

I spent a day, a few weeks ago, to develop a very specialised macro for my 
wiki. It takes a description, and create a graphic picture from it, on the 
fly, with the help of gd. I tried a macro first, but I could not figure out 
any way to send the .png back to display it, without writing it to disk 
first. Finally I made it into an action, since they can give a png on the 
fly. But now the action name shows up on the bottom of each page, and it is 
not really an action you can do, but a macro.

Here is an example how I call it:


So what I would need, is either how to send a PNG 'on the fly' from a macro, 
or how to make an action that is not listed at the bottom of all pages.


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