[Moin-devel] Macro that generates a dyamic png

Karolina Lindqvist pgd-karolinali at algonet.se
Tue Apr 29 01:03:06 EDT 2003

måndagen den 28 april 2003 19.33 skrev Nick Trout:

> I haven't tried this but you could write the PNG to the page's
> attachment directory and return the attachment name as a link (eg. <img
> src="attachment-name">) from the macro. You could check the page
> timestamp and PNG timestamp to decide whether to recreate the PNG after
> a page save.

I tried that, to put the png file in a temporary directory. It worked once, 
but when the same thing was called twice on the same page it didn't work.  
And then, if it would ever happen that the same page was called two times at 
the same time, it would not work either.


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