[Moin-devel] Macro that generates a dyamic png

Florian Festi festifn at rupert.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Apr 29 23:10:06 EDT 2003

> The idea was that the macro creates a PNG and writes it to the
> <wikiname>/data/pages/attachments directory. The macro then returns a
> link to the attachment, just as the "attachment:<attachment name>"
> markup works.

I think this is really ugly. Your solution should hide the implementation
from the user and should not have sideeffects as changing the attached

> Alternatively you could place the macro in a page, and have it return a
> blank string, which means it is invisible. You could then just reference
> them as many times as you like using the attachment markup previously
> described.

Even uglier.

As allready said, make the macro return

<img src="?action=build_png>">

If you don't want to generate the picture every time use

Everything else is a bad hack!


		Florina Festi

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