[Moin-devel] CVS Head abend in UserPreferences

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 21 05:32:02 EDT 2003

I noticed the classic login was checked off in the moin 1.1 todo list
so I installed the nightly CVS tarball on my Windows/me test pc. 

I had a few problems so I restarted with an empty mywiki/data/user
directory. After creating a profile, my user directory contains a None,
None.trail, and userdict.pickle files, and my new wikiname is displayed
in the place of UserPreferences. Clicking anything results in my
wikiname being replaced with UserPreferences on the next page. Clicking
UserPreferences displays my valid account data.

Trying the same technique (empty user directory) on a second wiki
consistently results in an abend (shown below) each time I click on
UserPreferences. I haven't been able to determine the cause of the
different outcomes.

Roger Haase

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'html_uid' referenced before
assignment Please include this information in your bug reports!:
Python 2.2.1 (#34, Apr 15 2002, 09:51:39) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] -
Platform: win32 (nt)
MoinMoin Release 1.1 [Revision 1.173] 

A problem occurred while running a Python script. Here is the sequence
of function calls leading up to the error, with the most recent
(innermost) call first. The exception attributes are:
      __doc__ = 'Local name referenced but not bound to a value.' 
      __getitem__ = <bound method UnboundLocalError.__getitem__ of
<...ptions.UnboundLocalError instance at 0x00F42A70>> 
      __init__ = <bound method UnboundLocalError.__init__ of
<exceptions.UnboundLocalError instance at 0x00F42A70>> 
      __module__ = 'exceptions' 
      __str__ = <bound method UnboundLocalError.__str__ of
<exceptions.UnboundLocalError instance at 0x00F42A70>> 
      args = ("local variable 'html_uid' referenced before

C:\PYTHON22\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\userform.py in
asHTML(self=<MoinMoin.userform.UserSettings instance at 0x00F7F440>) 
  351                        self._(' Mail me my account data '))
  353         self._table.append(html.Raw(html_uid)) 

       self = <MoinMoin.userform.UserSettings instance at 0x00F7F440>,
global _table = undefined, global append = undefined, global html =
<module 'MoinMoin.widget.html' from
'C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\widget\html.pyc'>, global Raw =
undefined, html_uid = undefined

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