[Moin-devel] twisted moin

Michal Wallace michal at sabren.com
Wed Jul 2 15:53:11 EDT 2003

Hey All,

I run a small hosting company and one of my 
customers is getting a ton of traffic on his
moinmoin installation. It's really eating up
the server, and I was hoping to get MoinMoin
running through twisted.

It looks like there's been some work done in
this area ( webapi.twistedMoin ) but it also
looks like there's still some refactoring to
with the url-parsing stuff.

So, two questions:

 - Has anyone done any further work on 
   twistedMoin outside of the cvs repository?

 - Would a patch for this be welcome?

Michal J Wallace
Sabren Enterprises, Inc.
contact: michal at sabren.com
hosting: http://www.cornerhost.com/
my site: http://www.withoutane.com/

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