[Moin-devel] How to send changes to moin
Nir Soffer
nirs at actcom.net.il
Sun Jul 27 09:20:05 EDT 2003
As you know I'm running MacMac, an Hebrew moin site. I made some
changes to moin code, to solve various problems with hebrew page
rendering and directionality. I also added some doc strings did minor
How should I send the changes, and where? I guess I should use diff -
which options should I use (I never used it)? I looked for a guide on
this subject in the MoinMoin wiki, but I could not find one...
Summary of changes:
All changes relate to moin version 1.1 (1.173) from
- Changed wiki toolbar to use tables instead of aligned <img>, which
brakes very easily when you use a small browser window, and can't
handle RTL wikis.
- Changed system message and pre to use tables, because position of div
or pre with border and background color is broken on RTL pages, in both
Mozilla and Safari on Mac - probably on other platforms as well.
- Fixed a stupid bug in wikiutili.py, where i18n.getDirection() was
called twice without specifying the language. This cause the wiki to
ignore the config.default_lang. Now the default lang set the body lang
- Changed the <body> language and direction to use the
config.default_lang - and NOT the browser lang or the user lang -
because the wiki content is not related to the interface language and
- Changed the headers - title and logo table, quicklinks and icon bar
table and system message and the footer to use the user or browser or
config.default_lang language and direction.
- Changed the lang macro ([[en]], [[he]] etc.) to enable insertion of
text with different language from the paragraph language. This change
contain changing and refactoring of wikimacro.py, adding new formating
method to formatter (formatter.lang(lang_name, text)) to both base.py,
text_html.py and text_plain.py.
- Changed stylesheet - using very light grey for backgrounds grey and
blue for links, 100% font size etc.
You can test all these changes at my development wiki:
Choose different languages and see how the interface has its direction
and the content has its own direction - which is set by the wiki admin
or the user, using lang macros.
Nir Soffer
MacMac - The Hebrew Mac Wiki
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