[Moin-devel] CGI Error-- Help!!!!!!!!!!

AjayaSahoo at TDWaterhouse.com AjayaSahoo at TDWaterhouse.com
Tue Dec 7 08:16:04 EST 2004



I have tried to post it in user list and waiting without any response. Can
someone help me out?





I have installed Python 2.4 and followed the instruction for installing
MoinMoin wiki moin-1.3. (IIS5.1 under XP)

 Windows Installation using IIS

/!\This is pre-1.3 stuff that still has to be adapted to 1.3. If nobody
feels like having to update it, this instructions will be deleted soon.
Although it says this is pre-1.3 stuff I have adopted this as I have no idea
how should I install for 1.3 Would someone tell me what is the installation
procedure for 1.3?    

I am running Windox XP and Python2.4 and IIS5.1

Before creating a wiki instance, you have to download and install the basic
MoinMoin software. We assume you already have downloaded the distribution
archive to the "C:\TEMP" directory. 

Open a console window and enter the following commands: 

cd \temp
unzip moin-1.3.zip
cd moin-1.3
python setup.py install --prefix=C:\Moin --record=install.log

This will install all necessary files to the "C:\Moin" directory, and create
a "install.log" file listing all the files that are created there. 

Creating a Wiki Instance

Enter these commands in a console window: 

cd \Moin
md mywiki
md mywiki\data
md mywiki\underlay
xcopy share\moin\data mywiki\data /E
xcopy share\moin\underlay mywiki\underlay /E
copy share\moin\server\moin.cgi mywiki\
copy share\moin\htdocs\index.html mywiki\default.htm

"mywiki" is the name of your wiki instance, you might want to chose a
different name best fitting the intended use of this instance; just don't
name it simply "wiki", because that would result in confusion and problems
later on. 

We have to make sure that moin.cgi can find the MoinMoin directory, so that
"import MoinMoin" will work. The easiest way to make sure MoinMoin can be
imported is to append to sys.path within moin.cgi. 

You can change the first two lines of code in moin.cgi to something like

 <file:///C:\TEMP\moin-1.3.0\INSTALL.html##> Toggle line numbers 

   1 #!python

   2 import sys

   3 sys.path.append(r'C:\Moin\Lib\site-packages')

Notice that we're pointing to the directory which contains the MoinMoin
directory, not the directory itself. 

Next, you'll need to create two virtual directories in IIS. One for the
shared data, and one for this specific wiki instance. 

Go to Control Panel => Administrative Tools => Internet Information Service.
Open up the tree to Default Web Site. 

Right click on Default Web Site and choose New => Virtual directory. This
will bring up a wizard with the manditory useless first screen, hit next.
Enter "wiki" for the alias name and hit next. Browse to
"C:\Moin\share\moin\htdocs" and hit next. Leave the Access permissions at
their defaults and hit next. And now you're done, hit finish! 

Now follow the same steps, but set the alias to "mywiki" and the path to

Use IIS Admin to remove permissions to read the data directory: expand the
"mywiki" node, right click on data, select Properties, and uncheck Read.
Repeat these steps with the underlay directory. 

Now you need to setup the 'mywiki' alias so that it will run Python to
interpret .cgi files. Right click on your new 'mywiki' alias and choose
Properties. On the first tab (Virtual Directory), click the Configuration
button. The first tab is the App Mappings tab, which defines which programs
to use for each file exetension. Click Add. Browse to your python.exe
(probably something like c:\pythonXX\python.exe). Then add -u %s %s after
the Python executable path. The Executable line will look something like
this: C:\Python22\python.exe -u %s %s. In the Extension box enter .cgi with
the begining period. Confirm that the Check that file exists option is not
checked (if it is, MoinMoin won't be able to display sub pages). Ok, you're
done with the alias configuration, click OK several times to get back out of
all the dialog boxes. 

If you add another wiki instance, you'll only need to setup the reference to
its folder, they can safely share the "wiki" alias which points to static
files only. 

That is all, try to access your new-born wiki with the URL

This is my moin.cgi file under c:\Moin\mywiki directory:


# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-


    MoinMoin - CGI Driver Script


    @copyright: 2000-2004 by Jürgen Hermann <jh at web.de>

    @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.



# System path configuration


# The path to MoinMoin package and configuration files. Note that the

# path is the path of the directory where the item lives, not the path

# to the item itself!

# If you did a standard install, and you are not a developer, you

# probably want to skip these settings.


import sys



## sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/MoinMoin/dir')

## sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/wikiconfig/dir')

## sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/farmconfig/dir')



from MoinMoin.request import RequestCGI


request = RequestCGI()


After I had completed my installation steps, I am trying to access wiki
using  <http://localhost/mywiki> and get the
following error:

CGI Error

The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: 

C:\Moin\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\multiconfig.py:97: UserWarning: import of
config "wikiconfig" failed due to "No module named wikiconfig"; default
configuration used instead.


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\moin\mywiki\moin.cgi", line 29, in ?


  File "C:\Moin\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\request.py", line 655, in run


  File "C:\Moin\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\request.py", line 1052, in

    sys.stderr = open(os.path.join(self.cfg.data_dir, 'error.log'), 'at')

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'wiki\\data\\error.log'



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