[Moin-devel] Re: Moin-devel digest, Vol 1 #511 - 6 msgs

Nir Soffer nirs at actcom.net.il
Sat Dec 18 05:03:01 EST 2004

On 18 Dec, 2004, at 6:23, moin-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net 
> Subject: [Moin-devel] WikiName -> Wiki Name
> But at the moment I got no space between the WikiName it is shown as
> WikiName. What could be wrong?

Its not clear what is the problem, anyway check your preferences, if 
you selected "Add spaces to displayed wiki names", yoiu will get 
"WikiName" displayed as "Wiki Name" everywhere.

In RecentChanges, all wiki names are using this preferences ignoring 
what you selected, in order to make long words break at spaces, which 
make the table more readable.

Try to give more precise description of the problem next time.

Nir Soffer

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