[Moin-devel] How to include attachment in a page by a script

Jean-Michel Bain Cornu jmbain-cornu at acucorp.com
Thu Jul 22 05:23:05 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I haven't found any way to include an attachment in a page by a script, so I
schedule to make a python script to do that (I have arround 1000 files to

I have found that when attaching a file, MoinMoin :
-puts the attached file in the 'attachments' subdirectory of the page
-updates 'data/editlog' (from add.editlog.py)
-updates 'data/dicts.pickle' (must be in scandicts.wikidicts.py)

I understand the purpose of the two first points, and should be able to
reproduce them in a script, but I'm not successful to understand what is the
purpose of 'dicts.pickle' and if it's mandatory to update it. It works if I
do an attachement by myself, but I'm not sure if there is any danger for
Does anybody knows something about that ?

Generally speaking, is there any guide or introduction about the
organization of MoinMoin scripts ?
Thanks in advance, and overall, thanks Jurgen and Thomas for your work, I
feel it will be very usefull to my organisation.

Jean-michel Bain-cornu

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