[Moin-devel] moin to pdf.

Steve McIntyre steve at einval.com
Tue Oct 5 18:02:19 EDT 2004

On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 09:22:31AM -0400, Marijn P. Vriens wrote:
>Hi listers,
>I need to implement some way that Moin generates a pdf of it's pages at user
>request. I have thought of various possible solutions:
>- Have the "htmldoc" program generate the pdf from the 'action=print' page.
>But it doesn't really look good, it's an ugly solution, and htmldoc doesn't
>suport css!
>- Get the xml (or raw) of the file, and transform that to latex or lout and
>generate the pdf file that way. the transformation should be complex, and i
>can never know if i have all the corner cases covered (especially with latex).
>Have yet an other language in between, makes me creepy.
>- Take the part of moin that generates the HTML, and transform that so that it
>generates the PDF directy with reportlab. Nice and clean, however it might be
>a mess due to the nature of moins page generator.
>Anybody have an idea of how to best attack this problem?

I _hacked_ PDF export into our moin a while ago, by piping the HTML
output through htmltops and ps2pdf. It works reasonably well, but the
code is a mess. I should really clean it up some more...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve at einval.com
"C++ ate my sanity" -- Jon Rabone
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