[Moin-devel] Re: 1.3.2 does not run on IIS due to error in request.py

Alexander Schremmer 2004b at usenet.alexanderweb.de
Fri Jan 28 17:49:40 EST 2005

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 16:49:28 +0100, Alexander Schremmer wrote:

>> As a result, however, I get a configuration error:
>>  MoinMoin Configuration Error
>>  Could not find a match for url: "ors-x-know".
>>  Check your URL regular expressions in the "wikis" list in "farmconfig.py".
>> With the above setting, the checked url is only {{{ors-x-know}}}
>> This makes the checked url e.g. {{{ors-x-know/master13cgi/moin.cgi}}} which
>> makes my setting happy, though it might not be the correct value for
>> request_uri (should probably include the full path and parameters?)
>> Maybe the proper solution would be to set self.url differently in the
>> RequestCGI class (some other derived classes do this)?
> Yeah, it should be. Assuming that request_uri contains something useful
> should be considered evil. :-) I will look into this ...

I fixed the bug in patch-600. You may want to download the code snapshot
for that release:

It should be as stable as 1.3.3 ... Just replace the MoinMoin dir.

Please let us know if it works.

Kind regards,

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