[Moin-devel] MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br

Eduardo Luis Isatto isatto at cpgec.ufrgs.br
Tue May 3 11:44:32 EDT 2005


It's not a matter of lack of collaboration... In spite of the fact that both languages have many (or most of) words in common, there are some exceptions that could stop user comprehension. For example, in Brazilian Portuguese there is no meaning for the word "ecrã" (screen or video). We use "vídeo" instead. "Rato" (mouse) is used to designate the animal, not the pointer device. And so on... :D

So, my opinion is that users in both (and many more) countries would be benefited if pt.po and pt-br.po are run in syncronization, in a collaborative way. It would be particularly interesting for that to have a central coordination.

Leonardo: you have my support for that.

Best regards,

Eduardo Isatto

On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 09:21:48AM -0300, Leonardo Gregianin wrote:
> The files of translation in MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br are equal. 
> The difference is that the MoinI18n/pt-br was incorporated does not 
> wiki, and the file MoinI18n/pt is being was wiki by more of a person.
> I ask that they overhaul the form of incorporate the translations.  
> Eduardo Isatto: Because is not going to help to tidy the file 
> MoinI18n/pt? It is wiki, everybody collaborate!  :-)
> Best regards,
> Leonardo Gregianin.
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