[Moin-devel] performance importing pages

matthew warren matthew_j_warren at hotmail.com
Sun May 29 05:13:20 EDT 2005

Ok, I have found a way to speed it up, but was wondering if anyone could 
help be work out why it works, and what really needs fixing on my system;

If i change editlog.py and alter the following lines in the EditLog class,

      import socket

            if host is None:
                host = request.remote_addr

            #    hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[0]
            #except socket.error:
            #    hostname = host
            remap_chars = {u'\t': u' ', u'\r': u' ', u'\n': u' ',}
            comment = comment.translate(remap_chars)
            user_id = request.user.valid and request.user.id or ''

..IE; comment out the try/except clause and force hostname to be 'localhost' 
then it all moves quickly.

Anyone any ideas as to why it was going slow on my system?



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