[moin-devel] Moin 1.9 & 2: Link to fraudulent website in your help pages, action required

Sebastian Wagner swagner at intevation.de
Thu Aug 22 04:11:33 EDT 2024

Dear Moin community,

Moin's default intermap.txt contains a InterWiki link for the usemodwiki.
Although usemod[.]com has been replacedby usemod[.]org by it's owners, a 
Vietnamese *online gambling* website now uses .org, the original domain, 
which is still part of the intermap.txt.

As the help page 'HelpOnProcessingInstructions' contains a link using 
the usemodintermaplink, *all Moin-instances*contain a link to that 
fraudulent website.

For Moin2, the current git HEAD contains a fix; for Moin 1.9, the fix 
has not yet been merged.
However, *updating your instance is insufficient*, as the intermap.txt 
is a setting per instance.

You can use the following command at your own risk (adapt if needed) to 
update the file:

sed -i -e 
-e 's#www\.usemod\.com/cgi-bin/mb\.pl?#meatballwiki.org/wiki/#' -e 
's#usemod\.com/cgi-bin/wiki\.pl#usemod.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl#' intermap.txt

And similar, the website httpX://parawiki[.]org/ promotes a Thai 
gambling service, so it can be removed as well:

sed -i '/parawiki.org/d' intermap.txt

A significant number of thelinks in the intermap.txt are outdated, these 
*currently*don't pose an equal fraud or security risk.
We recommend only keeping those entries in the intermap.txt that are 
actually needed in your wiki.

Best regards and keep safe

More details:
* Moin2 Issue: https://github.com/moinwiki/moin/issues/1729
* Moin2 Merge Request for usemod: 
https://github.com/moinwiki/moin/pull/1731 (merged, unreleased)
* Moin2 Merge Request for parawiki: 
https://github.com/moinwiki/moin/pull/1732 (unmerged, unreleased)
* Moin1.9 Issue: https://github.com/moinwiki/moin-1.9/issues/100
* Moin1.9 Merge Request for usemod: 
https://github.com/moinwiki/moin-1.9/pull/101 (unmerged, unreleased)
* Moin1.9 Merge Request for parawiki: 
https://github.com/moinwiki/moin-1.9/pull/102 (unmerged, unreleased)

Sebastian Wagner <sebastian.wagner at intevation.de>  |  https://intevation.de
Intevation GmbH, Osnabrueck, DE; Amtsgericht Osnabrueck, HRB 18998
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter

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