[Moin-user] anchor keyword added to link_to in Page.py

bragiba at simi.is bragiba at simi.is
Thu Dec 6 07:39:02 EST 2001

I finally got around to adding the anchor keyword to link_to:

    def link_to(self, text=None, querystr=None, anchor=None):
        """Return HTML markup that links to this page"""
        word = self.page_name
        text = text or word
        fmt = getattr(self, 'formatter', None)
        url = wikiutil.quoteWikiname(word)
        if querystr: url = "%s?%s" % (url, querystr)
        if anchor: url = "%s#%s" % (url, anchor)
        if self.exists():
            return wikiutil.link_tag(url, text, formatter=fmt)
            if config.nonexist_qm:
                return wikiutil.link_tag(url,
                    '?', 'nonexistent', formatter=fmt) + text
                return wikiutil.link_tag(url,
                    text, 'nonexistent', formatter=fmt)

Með kveðju/Best Regards
Bragi Baldursson
GPRS Kerfisverkfræðingur/GPRS Systems Engineer
Sími/Tel.:  550 63 08    mailto:bragiba at siminn.is
Fax:  550 63 39    www:http://www.siminn.is
Gsm:   892 63 08

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