[Moin-user] Windows and Moin (yes, the moin packages load).

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 4 11:11:02 EST 2002

The alias for /wiki/ is used internally by MoinMoin to access some
utility files it needs.  Look at the /htdocs/ folder it is pointing to:
on my installation there are only three sub-folders for .gif files,
.css files, and applets (There is also an index.html in my /htdocs/
which I think is extraneous).  If you have changed or added enough
stuff to get a page using localhost/wiki instead of localhost/mywiki,
you may want to delete everything and just reinstall MoinMoin.  Try 2
is always easier for me.

If you are not already an IIS expert, dumping it for Apache is a good
move I think.  The Apache configuration files can be a bit overwhelming
but there are few changes required.  I added some suggestions to the
docs HelpErrata at
http://twistedmatrix.com/users/jh.twistd/moin/moin.cgi/HelpErrata to
eliminate the .bat file and get MoinMoin working on my old Windows/me

BTW, I ran a competing Wiki, "TWiki" on my Linux system (I don't think
it runs on Windows as it requires Perl) for about three months and just
finished converting everything to MoinMoin.  While Twiki has a few
nicer features in the user registration area, MoinMoin has it beat in
many ways.

Roger Haase

--- Ransom <ransom at telus.net> wrote:
> Juergen Hermann wrote:
>  >On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 21:07:24 -0800, Ransom wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >>I gave up.  I was able to view a wiki, but not edit pages.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >Read harder. The docs.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >>   Alias /wiki e:/apps/moin/share/moin/htdocs/
>  >>   ScriptAlias /wiki/ E:/apps/moin/share/moin/htdocs/
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >QUOTE: "mywiki" is the name of your wiki instance, you might want
> to
>  >chose a different name best fitting the intended use of this
> instance;
>  >just don't name it simply "wiki", because that would result in
> problems
>  >later on.
>  >
> I have the /wiki/ alias trying to work around what I percieve is a
> problem in the documentation.
> I still find the docs confusing.  In particular,  they say exactly:
> Alias /wiki/ "C:/Moin/share/moin/htdocs/"
> ScriptAlias /mywiki "C:/Moin/mywiki/moin.bat"
> So I would assume that the "wiki" alias is there for a reason (maybe
> its
> a wiki with instructions?  I have no way of knowing.  I did see this
> a
> bit later "The first line you only need once; the second line is
> needed
> once for each wiki instance (of course, each one with another wiki
> name
> and path").),
> and that my new wiki is aliased at the virtual root mywiki.  The
> problem
> lies in the htdocs directory; index.html  redirects to moin.cgi.  As
> far
> as I can tell from the instructions, the server has not been
> configured
> for CGI in the the htdocs directory (the /wiki/ alias) so  I cannot
> figure out how the wiki alias is ever supposed to work.
> I expect from the docs that http://host/wiki  should correspond to
> some
> default web pages or wiki that are supposed to be configured
> and http://host/mywiki should correspond to my wiki instance.  Hence,
> I
> want to get the /wiki/ alias working before I try and get the
> /mywiki/
> alias working.
>   If the docs are indeed correct, what does Alias /wiki/
> "C:/Moin/share/moin/htdocs/" accomplish given the cgi redirect in
> index.html (I am sincerely asking, not trying to be sarcastic)?  If I
> can understand this maybe I can figure out whats going on.
> Doug
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >Oh, you have problems? Doh!
>  >
>  >The 2nd part of your ScriptAlias is also not according to docs and
>  >won't work. The trailing slash is wrong in both aliases (you
> swapped
>  >them).
>  >
>  >So next time before you diss the docs several people have invested
> much
>  >time into, read harder!
>  >
>  >Ciao, Jürgen
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
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