[Moin-user] Moin and frames layout

bragiba at simi.is bragiba at simi.is
Wed Oct 16 08:51:07 EDT 2002

I would like to change the layout of a moin wiki I have to be like

|     Navigation bar                                                     |
|               |
|               |     Display frame                                      |
| sub-     |
|  menu  |
|               |

The navigation is the standard moin navigation bar.   The links in the
navigation bar change the menu I get
in the sub-menu frame.    Then depending on what I select in the sub-menu I
will display that in the display frame.

Can anyone point to areas where to look to start these changes?

Með kveðju/Best Regards
Bragi Baldursson
GPRS Kerfisverkfræðingur/GPRS Systems Engineer
Sími/Tel.:  +354 550 63 08    mailto:bragiba at siminn.is
Fax:  +354 550 63 39    www:http://www.siminn.is
Gsm:   +354 892 63 08

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