[Moin-user] Re: Converting HTML to MoinMoin wiki format

bragiba at simi.is bragiba at simi.is
Fri Sep 20 02:18:03 EDT 2002

One easy way (without changing any source code) is to run your moin.cgi
script directly from the command line:
python moin.cgi
or simply ./moin.cgi

This will spit out the FrontPage wiki page in html format.  You can then
rename the page you want to convert to HTML to FrontPage run moin as above
and capture the output.    You can write a simple script to do this.

or you can dig around a little bit and find out what page to set for
parsing instead of FrontPage by default.

Með kveðju/Best Regards
Bragi Baldursson
GPRS Kerfisverkfræðingur/GPRS Systems Engineer
Sími/Tel.:  +354 550 63 08    mailto:bragiba at siminn.is
Fax:  +354 550 63 39    www:http://www.siminn.is
Gsm:   +354 892 63 08

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