[Moin-user] UserPreferences / Access Control

Oliver Stüker revilo at uni-paderborn.de
Mon Dec 1 08:01:01 EST 2003

Hi there,

I've just updated MoinMoin 1.1 from Revision 1.173 to 1.178 on SuSE Linux
8.2 (Apache 2.xx) and want to protect it from external access. But when I
add the follwing lines to the httpd.conf :

ScriptAlias /test_wiki     "/home/httpd/test_wiki/moin.cgi"
<Directory "/home/httpd/test_wiki">
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

    AuthName "Test-Wiki"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthGroupFile /home/httpd/httpd.groups
    AuthUserFile /home/httpd/httpd.users
    require user test

MoinMoin doesn't remember my User-Login.
The Moin-Account ist properly created and the cookie saved by the browser
(Netscape FireBird and IE6).
But: the cookie-information is not read by MoinMoin.

When I remove the line "require user test" it works fine again.

Any Ideas?


If you want to give it a try:


User:   test
Passwd: WikiTest1234
-= Computers are not intelligent - they only think they are. =-

Oliver Stüker
[privat]   Grimmestr. 20 * 33098 Paderborn * Tel: 05251/8728755
[dienstlich] W1.111 * revilo at chemie.upb.de * Tel: 05251/60-5466

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