[Moin-user] 1.0 to 1.1
Thomas Waldmann
tw-public at gmx.de
Sun Dec 14 17:53:00 EST 2003
Hi Paul,
> usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py
> <file:///usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py> in
> *send_title*(request=<MoinMoin.request.Request instance>,
> text='FrontPage', **keywords={'allow_doubleclick': 1, 'link':
> '/wiki/homebrew/moin.cgi/FrontPage?action=fullsearch&value=FrontPage&literal=1&case=1&context=40',
> 'msg': '', 'pagename': 'FrontPage', 'print_mode': 0})
> 687 if keywords.has_key('body_attr'):
> 688 bodyattr += ' ' + keywords['body_attr']
> 689 if keywords.get('allow_doubleclick', 0) and not keywords.get('print_mode', 0) \
> *keywords* = {'allow_doubleclick': 1, 'link':
> '/wiki/homebrew/moin.cgi/FrontPage?action=fullsearch&value=FrontPage&literal=1&case=1&context=40',
> 'msg': '', 'pagename': 'FrontPage', 'print_mode': 0}, /global/ *get* =
> /undefined/, *pagename* = 'FrontPage', *request* =
> <MoinMoin.request.Request instance>, /global/ *user* = /undefined/,
> /global/ *may* = /undefined/, /global/ *edit* = /undefined/, /global/
> *edit_on_doubleclick* = /undefined/
> 690 and pagename and request.user.may.edit(pagename) \
> 691 and request.user.edit_on_doubleclick:
The really interesting part is the ...may.edit(pagename).
In 1.0 security policy set integer values, later this changed to
callable functions.
So maybe simply deleting your old security policy (see moin_config.py)
and using ACLs instead would help.
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