[Moin-user] using moin.bat gives "Premature header ..."

Juergen Hermann j.her at t-online.de
Fri Feb 14 00:44:02 EST 2003

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 17:51:07 -0800 (PST), Roger Haase wrote:

>This wiki's content directly reflects the base wiki that is distributed
>with the MoinMoin software. It's currently not secured and open to the
>public, but please do not edit it unless you are a contributor
>(translator, doc maintainer, ...). If you edit it anyway, be prepared
>that your edits may disappear without any further warning!

Well, you contribute, so you're a contributor... :)

The notice is there in order to prevent people from thinking they're in
the normal wiki, or to start discussions or new pages inappropriate to
remain in the distributed set of pages.

>Per your invitation, I will polish my suggestion a bit more and add it
>to the HelpOnInstalling page.

Fine. Thanks.

Ciao, Jürgen

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