[Moin-user] HelpOnUserPreferences and HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 20 11:42:13 EST 2003

I have updated the two above pages. It would be helpful for some
Windows users (expecially 2000 or XP) to review and test the changes

Major changes for ApacheOnWin32 include:

- eliminated the .bat file

- MoinMoin installs to \Python similar to ApacheOnUnix

- copied both mywiki and wiki (htdocs) out of \Python\share to C:\Moin
(perhaps controversial, but seemed to be the better alternative and
closer to the spirit of ApacheOnUnix)

- added many warnings and explanations (thinking average Windows users
may have less expertise than average Unix users and average
ApacheOnWin32 users will have less expertise than the average Windows
IIS users)

- I may have offended Windows NT users by suggesting it is unfit to be
an Internet server, sorry.

Unresolved problems:

- MoinMoinWinCvs is not on the master wiki? I think this should be
changed to delete the suggestion to set the Read-Only attribute. This
causes a problem the second time you try to install from \CVSRoot
because setup.py will not overwrite previously installed modules with
the Read-Only attribute.

- I couldn't find a way to say:
#! python
without getting it colorized, my best attempt was to enclose #! python
in back ticks.

- The ü in Jürgen in the docstring of moin.cgi creates 2 error messages
in the Apache error.log when Python 2.3a is installed.

Roger Haase

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