[Moin-user] WikiName

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Aug 9 04:10:20 EDT 2004

> It would be nice to use this original names as WikiNames.

You can use free links ["...."].

> The problem is underscore character. Undercores
> appeares as "%" characters.

You mean in the URL? Right (for 1.2).

For 1.3 we plan to use _ in the URL, mapping the space character to _, 
so that ["Peter Burian"] gets http://yourwiki.com/Peter_Burian.

BUT: we also reverse map the _ in the URL to the space character, so the 
link / page title will display as "Peter Burian" again.

So your stuff will display as "O VERBAND Wien Ring LX AUTODB".

> Otherwise we have to convert our systemnames to valid WikiNames and use
> something like
> "0-Verband-Wien-Ring-Lx-Autodb"

As it looks now, we will keep the "-" in the URLs of 1.3.

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