[Moin-user] Customization

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Sep 6 08:09:10 EDT 2004

>  How do I change common footer that shows on every page (the part that
>  doesn"t change)?

Look if it can be done by CSS. If not, hack the theme code 
(MoinMoin/theme/classic.py) or rather derive from the classic theme 
class (like starshine does also).

>  <div style="border:1px solid green;padding:1em;">
>  blah blah blah
>  </div>

HTML macro, but be aware this is dangerous.

> For the first part, do I really have to tinker with the actual python 
> code that generates the templates?

There is also a simple method to get some static custom html in at some 
predefined places. Look on HelpOnConfiguration, the setting is called 
html_header1/2 and html_footer1/2 (or similar).

> is something I loved about Instiki: The ability to simply include 
> HTML/CSS into the actual text.

Well, working with html is not quite the wiki way. ;)

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