[Moin-user] Success: Upgrading from 1.2.x to 1.3.x on Mac OS X

Yusuf Abdulghani yaghani at mac.com
Sun Feb 6 13:30:34 EST 2005


There has been quite a few mail in the last few days on this list about 
good documentation (README.migration) for successfully upgrading the 
wiki from version 1.2.x to 1.3.x. Initially, when I started the 
migration procress, I had trouble. However, after *reading* the 
documentation and the comments on this list, I was able to successfully 
migrate to the new wiki. Here are my notes on the migration process.

System: Mac OS X
Migration: 1.2.x to 1.3.x

Steps to migrate:
0. Stop the wiki: To stop the wiki, I modified my /etc/httpd/httpd.conf 
directory and commented out the lines

#Alias /wiki "/full/path/to/moin/htdocs"
#ScriptAlias /mywikiname "/full/path/to/mywikiname/moin.cgi"

To finally stop the wiki, I ran the following command:
 > apachectl graceful

1. Backup: I backed up my "MoinMoin" (code) directory as well as my 
data directory using the "tar" command.

 > cd /directory/containingMoinMoin/
 > tar -cjvf backup-MoinMoin.tar.bz2 MoinMoin
 > cd /directory/containing_mywikiname/
 > tar -cjvf backup-mywikiname.tar.bz2 mywikiname

Since now I have the full backup in tarball, I deleted (or moved to a 
different location) both the "MoinMoin" directory (code) and 
"mywikiname" (data) directory. I did this so that I will have a *clean* 

2. Installing MoinMoin
This was very easy. I just followed the instructions for installing the 
wiki in the INSTALL.html. Essentially, I did the following:

 > cd ~/Desktop
 > tar -xzf moin-1.3.3.tar.gz
 > sudo -s
 > cd moin-1.3.3
 > python setup.py install --install-data='/usr/local'

Note that for some reason, if you stop the install process by pressing 
Cntrl-C, you should delete the moin-1.3.3 directory and untar the 
tarball (moin-1.3.3.tar.gz) again before running the "python setup.py 
install" command again.

 > cd $HOME
 > mv mywikiname old_mywikiname  <-- move my originial wiki to a 
different directory
 > mkdir my_test_wiki <-- create a test wiki directory
 > cp -r /usr/local/share/moin/data my_test_wiki
 > cp -r /usr/local/share/moin/underlay my_test_wiki
 > cp -r /usr/local/share/moin/server/moin.cgi my_test_wiki
 > cp -r /usr/local/share/moin/config/wikiconfig.py my_test_wiki

Now set correct permissions to these directories that you just copied 
to my_test_wiki

 > chown -R www:www my_test_wiki
 > chmod -R ug+rwX my_test_wiki
 > chmod -R o-rwx my_test_wiki

This step of setting up correct permissions is very important. During 
the installation process, whenever you make changes to your wiki 
directory, make sure to run the above commands so that the permissions 
are reset as above.

Now start the wiki by editing the /etc/httpd/httpd.conf file:

Alias /wiki "/full/path/to/moin/htdocs"
ScriptAlias /mywikiname "/full/path/to/my_test_wiki/moin.cgi"

Save the httpd.conf file and run the following command:

 > apachectl graceful

This should complete the installation of your new wiki. Make sure that 
you can see the FrontPage and navigate through the HelpPages of the new 
wiki. Once these things are working with the new wiki, you are all set 
to do the most important thing; i.e. migrating your data from 1.2.x to 

3. Migrating Data.
The README.migration is very useful. To migrate the data, here is what 
I did:

 > cd /full/path/to/MoinMoin/scripts/migration/
 > ls
You should see all the migration scripts

Now copy the data directory from "old_mywikiname" directory to this 
directory and run the migration scripts as follows:

 > sudo -s
 > cp -r /full/path/to/old_mywikiname/data .
 > python 12_to_13_mig1.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig2.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig3.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig4.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig5.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig6.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig7.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig8.py
 > ls
 > python 12_to_13_mig9.py

The "ls" command should show you the new directories that are created 
at the end of running each script. At the end of running all the 
scripts, your directory should look like this:

 > ls
12_to_13_mig1.py        12_to_13_mig6.pyc       data.pre-mig2
12_to_13_mig1.pyc       12_to_13_mig7.py        data.pre-mig3
12_to_13_mig2.py        12_to_13_mig7.pyc       data.pre-mig4
12_to_13_mig2.pyc       12_to_13_mig8.py        data.pre-mig5
12_to_13_mig3.py        12_to_13_mig8.pyc       data.pre-mig6
12_to_13_mig3.pyc       12_to_13_mig9.py        data.pre-mig7
12_to_13_mig4.py        12_to_13_mig9.pyc       data.pre-mig8
12_to_13_mig4.pyc       __init__.py             data.pre-mig9
12_to_13_mig5.py        __init__.pyc            migutil.py
12_to_13_mig5.pyc       data                    migutil.pyc
12_to_13_mig6.py        data.pre-mig1

Now the "data" directory contains your data configured for the new wiki 
format. Copy or move this data directory to your my_test_wiki directory 
as follows:

 > cd /full/path/to/my_test_wiki
 > rm -r data/
 > cp -r /full/path/to/MoinMoin/scripts/migration/data .
 > cp /usr/local/share/moin/data/plugin/__init__.py data/plugin/
 > cd ..
 > chown -R www:www my_test_wiki
 > chmod -R ug+rwX my_test_wiki
 > chmod -R o-rwx my_test_wiki

The last few commands of setting appropriate permissions is very 

As soon as you do this, your wiki data migration is complete.

Now go you the web browser and type one of the wiki names which existed 
in your original wiki. The page should automatically show up.

4. Configuring your "wikiconfig.py"
Look at your "moin_config.py" from previous installation and 
appropriate set up the fields in "wikiconfig.py"

5. Going live!
Once you have tested your migration and everything seems to work fine, 
mv the "my_test_wiki" to the actual wiki name and go live as follows:

 > mv my_test_wiki mywikiname
 > chown -R www:www mywikiname
 > chmod -R ug+rwX mywikiname
 > chmod -R o-rwx mywikiname
 > vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

Alias /wiki "/full/path/to/moin/htdocs"
ScriptAlias /mywikiname "/full/path/to/mywikiname/moin.cgi"

 > apachectl graceful

This should take your new migrated wiki live!

MoinMoin Developers: Thanks for the good work with MoinMoin. You guys 
have done a wonderful job.

BTW, we are using MoinMoin internally for our group here at Apple, 
Cupertino. Note that several other groups at Apple use other flavors of 
wiki. But I have chosen to use MoinMoin because of less clutter and 
ease of maintenance. The "Modern" theme for 1.3.x is much better than 
1.2.x. I hope that the more plugins are written for MoinMoin which 
allows us to incorporate Charts (gdchart is currently not ported to 
OSX), ActionItemsTracker, ShadedTables, etc.


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