[Moin-user] table parsing not printable

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Mar 7 04:19:21 EST 2005

> In older times (< 1.3.x) it was easy to print bigger tables on one sheet using 
> the scaling funtions of browsers (specially mozilla). Now I am not able to 
> scale printings anymore, cause every table cell is wrapped in a paragraph 
> tag.
> Which file is doing the parsing of table notations to html?

MoinMoin/parser/wiki.py (and also look at MoinMoin/formatter/text_html.py)

> What is the reasing for all these paragraph tags?

I think we just wanted the p CSS to apply there, too.

If you touch <p> / </p> generation, be warned that this is one of the 
rather ugly parts of moin. But maybe it is easy to change it for tables, 
I don't know without looking at the code.

We are planning a new parser with DOM making all that stuff easier, but 
it isn't ready yet (not even beta).

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