[Moin-user] plugin user auth

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Sat Nov 19 08:41:01 EST 2005

> There is already a login mechanism that is used at my site. Essentially 
> all users will be logged in using a cookie mechanism. cookie contains 
> user information. I need to do the following:
> 1) insert cookie retrieval in moin.cgi.
> 2) plugin cookie info to moinmoin user info.
> 3) remove login stuff from wiki.

I can check if I can add some sample code for this to the next beta 
(expected the next days). The cookie stuff is quite easy to do, the 
login/logout removal stuff can (at least partly) done by configuration now.

> get cookie;
> if (no cookie) { window.location = "cookie_url"; } // retrieve cookie at 
> secure site and return with cookie.
> get cookie value.

It doesn't do that, but if you link to moin from your secure site,  the 
cookie should be already there.

> I see auth.py,user.py,userform.py is doing something with cookies and 
> user info.

You need some auth plugin.

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