[Moin-user] problems installing via ftp

Thilo Pfennig tpfennig at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 05:49:01 EST 2005


I am used to install directly via SSH or via packages. I now have a
new server and no direct access to logs. I have followed the
instructions on
http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinuxFtp but
still have trouble. You can find my installation on

My questions are:

* renaming the script from moin.cgi to moin.py should not be important
or necessary or right?
* what would the right test-path be. /moin.cgi if the script is in the top dir?
* do I have to delete farmconfig.py not to confuse the script (I was
considering making more than one Wiki on this server)
* is it really possible to install Moin without a ScriptAlias

maybe somebody can help. I did not want to post all my configs here.



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