[Moin-user] install problem(mod_python, debian)

Cedric BRINER work at infomaniak.ch
Wed Oct 5 05:08:22 EDT 2005


this is the configuration for mod_python, farmconfig and sarge.

# cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/obswiki
   Alias /wiki/ "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/"
   # this is for CGI (quite slow)
   #ScriptAlias /obswiki "/export/diskA1/WWW/obswiki/moin.cgi"
   # this is for mod_python
   <Location /obswiki>
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonPath "['/export/diskA1/WWW/obswiki/','/etc/moin/']+sys.path"
   #                                               ^-- very important ! do not remove this.
    PythonHandler MoinMoin.request::RequestModPy.run
    PythonDebug Off

in /etc/moin/farmconfig.py
    url_prefix = '/wiki' ## if you have the mod_python
    wikis = [
        # wikiname,     url regular expression (no protocol)
        #("moinmaster",  r"^moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/.*$"),
        #("moinmoin",    r"^moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/.*$"),
        ('obswiki', r"^idas/.*$")

# cat /etc/moin/obswiki.py
   sitename = u'ObsWiki' # [Unicode]
    interwikiname = 'ObsGeWiki'
    data_dir = '/export/diskA1/WWW/obswiki/data'
    # begin: not really sur
    data_underlay_dir = '/export/diskA1/WWW/obswiki/underlay'

# COLUMNS=150 dpkg -l | grep moin
   ii  moinmoin-common                 1.3.4-3                         Python clone of WikiWiki - common data
   ii  python-moinmoin                 1.3.4-3                         Python clone of WikiWiki - dummy library package
   ii  python2.3-moinmoin              1.3.4-3                         Python clone of WikiWiki - library



Geneva - Switzerland

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