[Moin-user] Installation: Layout of the directory trees

Marx, Stefan ext. MA Fa. Lynx Stefan.Marxext.MAFa.Lynx at rewe-group.com
Thu Aug 10 08:26:56 EDT 2006

Hi guys,

we want to update the binaries in an existing MoinMoin
from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 and migrate the data if nessecary.
   The 1.5.3 stuff is devided over two disk drives. The 
pages stuff goes to e:\moin\ ... and the portion with 
..\server ..\config is located under c:\python24\share 
(yes, unfortunatlly Window$ based).
   When we run the setup.py script, there is no update
of the c:\python\share directory (an the installation
is not longer 'reactiv') and the directories are created
under e:\moin\<wikiname>\share.
   We rate this way of dividing the python installation 
from the MoinMoin location better since the things a 
clear divided. But I found no hint in the config area 
where to configure that location and -- as noted -- doing
this way is spoiling the installation and we have to recover
from our backup.

Thanks for reading, ..::**THX**::.. for writing o' cause.

Greetings from Cologne, Germany,


Stefan Marx
Marx Consulting (extern)

Geschäftsbereich Konzern-Systeme
Funktionsbereich Business-Systeme

REWE-Informations-Systeme GmbH
Humboldtstraße 140-144 - 51149 Köln

Telefon:  +49 (0)221 149 - 5953
Telefax:  +49 (0)221 149 - 97 5953
E-Mail: Stefan.Marxext.MAFa.Lynx at rewe-group.com

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