[Moin-user] Raw code on Text Edit page

matt mattlist at fastmail.fm
Fri Dec 1 11:45:14 EST 2006

Instead of seeing formatting examples on the Editing page, I see the

Emphasis:: [[Verbatim('')]]''italics''[[Verbatim('')]];
[[Verbatim(''''')]]'''''bold italics'''''[[Verbatim(''''')]];
[[Verbatim('')]]''mixed ''[[Verbatim(''')]]'''''bold'''[[Verbatim(''')]]
and italics''[[Verbatim('')]]; [[Verbatim(----)]] horizontal rule.
Headings:: [[Verbatim(=)]] Title 1 [[Verbatim(=)]]; [[Verbatim(==)]]
Title 2 [[Verbatim(==)]]; [[Verbatim(===)]] Title 3 [[Verbatim(===)]];
[[Verbatim(====)]] Title 4 [[Verbatim(====)]]; [[Verbatim(=====)]] Title
5 [[Verbatim(=====)]]. Lists:: space and one of: * bullets; 1., a., A.,
i., I. numbered items; 1.#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.
Links:: [[Verbatim(JoinCapitalizedWords)]]; [[Verbatim(["brackets and
double quotes"])]]; url; [url]; [url label]. Tables:: || cell text ||||
cell text spanning 2 columns ||; no trailing white space allowed after
tables or titles. (!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or

Anyone know what may be causing this?  I have no idea where to start
looking.  I've grep-ed around looking for the source of this code, but
came up empty handed.

  mattlist at fastmail.fm

http://www.fastmail.fm - Or how I learned to stop worrying and
                          love email again

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