[Moin-user] how can I use Categories for quality assurance?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Jul 11 08:37:58 EDT 2006

Hi Matthew,
> I'm using Moin 1.34 or so.
You really should upgrade. :) 1.5.4 is nice.
> I'd like to use Categories to do this for the simple reason that it is
> very easy to tag a page with a category using the drop down menu when
> saving a page, readers can do it...
> So, what I'd like to see is:
> 1. User marks page as CategoryVersion1.0
> 2. Page then automatically contains a little box at the top which says
> something like "This page applies to Version 1.0 of SoftwareName"
Category links are usually rendered as standard links, so they neither 
have special styling (just like other links), nor auto-generated content.

A thing that maybe could be of general use is some configurable page 
name pattern matching and deriving a CSS class attribute depending on 
what pattern matched the target page name.

By defining CSS for that class, you could make your boxes, style and 
I guess you could even define some content using :after or :before (of 
course that won't work with IE6).

To do that, one would have to hack the wiki parser. Or subclass it and 
add additional functionality in the derived class. You could make a 
parser plugin from that and just give it another name and set default 
wiki format to that parser.

If you develop code for such a feature and it is general enough to be of 
general use, please put a copy of your patch on the moinmoin wiki. Of 
course we prefer patches for rather current versions.

> Is there already a feature in Moin that does something similar to what
> I've described?

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