[Moin-user] How to determine the actual running MoinMoin version

Marx, Stefan ext. MA Fa. Lynx Stefan.Marxext.MAFa.Lynx at rewe-group.com
Thu May 11 01:28:06 EDT 2006


after carefully migrating to the new stable (1.5.3) I'll like to
display the version in the intro page. I found the version.py
file where a version string is noted. Unfortunatly my Python
knowlege is not sufficient to see how I can display the 
String. Has someone a hint for me?

THX for reading, much more THX for writing ;=).

Greeting from Cologne,

Stefan Marx
Marx Consulting (extern)

Geschäftsbereich Konzern-Systeme
Funktionsbereich Business-Systeme

REWE-Informations-Systeme GmbH
Humboldtstraße 140-144 - 51149 Köln

Telefon:  +49 (0)221 149 - 5953
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E-Mail: Stefan.Marxext.MAFa.Lynx at rewe-group.com

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