[Moin-user] Restricting PageComment

Shawn Hill Shawn.Hill at soeidental.com
Wed Apr 18 21:59:39 EDT 2007


I have been using moinmoin in our company for about a year and am very happy.  One thing we would like is to restric the submission of PageComments (From the PageComment2 macro) to only show when users are logged in.  Is this possible?

An alternative solution would be to use the computer name as the default user as currently it is using our users proxy server which makes it difficult to determine who entered the comment.  Our comments look something like:-
JohnBloggs - Nice idea but we need to think about the user impact
JaneMcCain - I'd prefer to have it done quickly if we do it at all
proxyserver - Email me and I'll setup a meeting to finalise the decision.

Initially it looks good, but when I emailed the proxy server he ignored me and never setup a meeting! LOL.

Am I missing a simple solution to this problem?



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