[Moin-user] Problem with tables and rowns

Calyx irma at calyx.net.au
Sun Dec 30 05:44:54 EST 2007

Hi MoinMoin team, 
I wonder if someone could advise me in what I do wrong and how I could solve
the following problem:
This is the table in Edit (Text) mode:
  ||About                       ||["TheGoal"]                 ||Dates
||Comments                 ||Links                            ||
  ||VALA2008                ||Edu. & networking       ||February 02,07
||During SMSA            ||["MelbProgramme"]       ||
  ||NewZealand08          ||Koha & vacation          ||January 12-20
||During SMSA             ||["NewZealandItinerary"] ||
  ||Europe08                 ||Recreation & Koha      ||May 08
||Olivia                         ||["EuropeItinerary"]        ||   
and this is the way it displays when I save the changes:


TheGoal <http://wiki.calyx.net.au/moin.cgi/TheGoal>  





Edu. & networking 

February 02,07

During SMSA 

MelbProgramme <http://wiki.calyx.net.au/moin.cgi/MelbProgramme>  

NewZealand08 <http://wiki.calyx.net.au/moin.cgi/NewZealand08>  

Koha & vacation 

January 12-20 

During SMSA 

NewZealandItinerary <http://wiki.calyx.net.au/moin.cgi/NewZealandItinerary> 


Europe08 ||Recreation & Koha ||May 08 ||Olivia ||EuropeItinerary
<http://wiki.calyx.net.au/moin.cgi/EuropeItinerary>  ||

Why can't I get the Europe08 row to fit the same rows format in the table
like: VALA2008 and NewZealand08???

Many thanks for your support, any hints are gladly accepted.

Thank you.

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