[Moin-user] Attachement history?

Erik Forsberg forsberg at cendio.se
Fri Feb 2 03:33:02 EST 2007

Thomas Waldmann <tw-public at gmx.de> writes:

> Thomas Waldmann schrieb:
>>> Evaluating MoinMoin, I find that there doesn't seem to be any history
>>> for attachements, correct?  
>> Yes, this is correct.
> Addendum: ... if you mean revisioning of attachments - there are no 
> attachment revisions.
> Concerning "history" as in "who did what operations with attachments", 
> there is a log you get by clicking on the "info" link, so you can see 
> who uploaded or deleted some attachment.

I did mean "revision", but the "history" already available is better
than nothing :-).

Erik Forsberg                OpenSource-based Thin Client Technology
Systems Analyst/Developer    Phone: +46-13-21 46 00    
Cendio AB    	             Web: http://www.cendio.com

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