[Moin-user] csound parser

Jonathan Murphy typetosmurky at bigpond.com
Thu Feb 8 06:29:47 EST 2007

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to write a Csound parser for the csoundwiki.


As a preliminary step, I'm just trying to highlight Csound opcodes and
comments. It's not working and I don't know why. I'm a Python novice,
so I'm hoping that it's something obvious that a more experienced
programmer will be able to point out. This is my effort so far (the
list of opcodes is truncated so that this post isn't too long):

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
	MoinMoin - Csound Parser

    @copyright: 2007 Jonathan Murphy
    @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.


from MoinMoin.util.ParserBase import ParserBase

Dependencies = []

class Parser(ParserBase):

    parsername = "ColorizedCsound"
    extensions = ['.orc', '.sco', '.csd']
    Dependencies = []
    def setupRules(self):


        reserved_words = ['ATSadd',


Thanks in advance,

PS When I say "it isn't working," I just mean that there is no
highlighting, the parser is installed correctly and gives plain text
with line numbers, but that's all. I have put up a test page here:


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