[Moin-user] Moinmoin authentication

Padmashree B paddu12 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 09:11:55 EST 2007

Hi all,
I am using a version Moinmoin 1.5.6 in my system.I have modified the
user.pyfile in such a way that the login credentials are authenticated
with a
postgres database i.e I have modified the validate_password function to
validate the user credentials with the database.
An invalid user is not allowed to login and a message "Unknown user :
user_name Please enter a correct username and password" message is
A valid user is correctly validated and the user is logged in and moin
cookie is created(i verified this by putting print statements) but a message
"Unknown user : user_name Please enter a correct username and password"
message is displayed.

What could be the source of the error.


My Blog : http://padma12.blogspot.com
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