[Moin-user] Help files not found

Gnarlodious lists.gnarlodious at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 16:39:47 EST 2007

On 2/17/07, kai at aplteam.com wrote:

> When I am editing a page, a click on "Syntax Rereference" at the
> bottom of the page generates a 404. The url MoinMoin has created is
> http://aplwiki.aplteam.com/dyalog/moin.cgi/SyntaxReference

I would suspect you experimented with an Apache alias of "dyalog" when
you first set up moin, then you changed the alias but a cached page
still remains. You are probably looking for a file at
".*/cache/i18n/en" which  will contain the offending string. It is a
cached file and will be regenerated if renamed, possibly the new cache
file will not contain the old alias.

-- Gnarlie

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